Should I date someone with the same birthday as my ex husband?
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Should I date someone with the same birthday as my ex husband?

Aliya Brown has passed the one-year mark in getting over someone she loved. She hasn’t had contact with her ex in months, and his birthday just passed. Some days are easier than others. Brown, a graduate student at New York’s Baruch College, says she broke up with her boyfriend thinking that they would get back together, but unbeknownst to her, he was dating and about to enter into an exclusive relationship with a new person. It took a few hard rejections before that change really clicked for me and I completely fell back.

You meet someone at a party and you’re stunned to discover you share the same birthday. Advertisement. Or perhaps you’re sitting in a beach.

When you’re dating as an adult, it’s pretty much a given that whoever you’re with will enter the relationship with some kind of relationship history. Although the healthy thing to do is to let the past stay in the past, that’s easier said than done. Sometimes people will enter into new relationships without being completely over an ex. So, how do you know if your partner still isn’t over their ex?

When someone jumps into a new relationship before they’re truly ready , it only sets themselves up for more heartache. So, how can you tell if your partner still isn’t over their ex? Here are some things they will do that you should look out for, according to experts. This one is pretty obvious, but if your partner still keeps photos of their ex around, they’re not over them. Keeping an old photo of a past love around usually won’t be appreciated by a current partner. More often than not, it sends the message that someone is still holding on to something there.

You want to be direct in order to let your partner know that it’s not OK with you. But it’s also equally important to watch your tone. Refrain from sounding accusatory so it won’t blow up into a fight.